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We used a variety of ONLINE platforms to achieve our goal of creating the perfect music video. When we got into our group we instantly made a whatsapp group chat in order to be able to communicate between each other and what each of us should be working on. On the other hand, it also helps when we want to share any photos or videos any of us would have taken. Later on once we got our final cast we then made them a group chat in order to let them know what they are expected to do and if we have any days when we would've liked to practise before the actual shoot day. 




Within HARDWARE, this is the main element that we would have used the most. Specifically on the shoot day we used a Black Magic Mini Ursa 4k Lens to film all of the footage for the music video. I also used my Iphone Xmax to film any videos or photos for the behind the scenes footage. 


For example; One of the most interesting shots that we created by far were the projections on the actors. We achieved this effect firstly by hooking up the Black Magic Camera to the projector therefore it was live and aiming the lens towards a group of lava lamps we had already used in the music video in order to get similar colour coordination. Once we did this we then filmed the footage with another black magic camera whilst another one of us were directing the live camera projector onto the actors. 

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Screenshot 2020-01-16 at 09.24.33.png



For SOFTWARE we mainly used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the whole music video together. We also used iMovie fairly a lot to edit other types of videos together e.g. Test Shoot or Behind The Scenes. 


When we used Adobe Premiere Pro there are many rules to follow in order to make it a professional music video. For Example; Making sure that the music video is interesting for audiences to watch throughout. Therefore our editor Mia made sure to begin adding the base cut of all the lip syncing onto the timeline and once she had done that, she would have plenty of time to use her imagination when adding in the performance cuts.




Test Shoot

In the pre production we began the planning on Youtube by researching different poses in music videos that we could use for our test shoot and actual music video. Another ONLINE platform we used was Whatsapp so we could contact our cast and let them know the time, day and place of where we were going to meet.


In the actual production of the test shoot I used the HARDWARE Iphone Xmax to film the test shoot and any behind the scenes that we needed. All of us within our group had different roles when filming the test shoot. However, most of us contributed when it came to the direction of what the cast had to do for the different shots.  


In the post production I used the SOFTWARE iMovie to edit the whole test shoot together. I uploaded all of the footage from my Iphone to my Macbook and I also downloaded the song to add. I tried my best cutting it to the beat so we could have an overlook of how it could look when we edit the actual music video. 

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Screenshot 2020-01-17 at 11.37.31.png

One moment in detail from the test shoot was when I edited it on IMovie. I began by looking through all of the footage we shot on the day on my Iphone XMax. When I chose the best shots I then connected my phone to my computer with a charging cable so that I could transfer all of these videos in a quick manner. Once I this, I started editing the test shoot. At the end of the video I wanted to make it exciting for viewers, therefore, I cut many clips and put them all together making sure they matched to the beat of the song. This gave us ideas of how we would do it for the actual music video. 

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