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For the digipak I used an ONLINE platform called Dafonts which helped me when I was experimenting on what font to use, as it is the most important element to get the audience to buy the album. I looked through the different fonts the website had and chose my favorites that I thought would suit with the aesthetic of our photos and artist. Once I chose the variety of fonts I tried them onto the photo and asked my group what they thought looked best. After trying out many I finally chose the font that went well and after getting the honest opinions from the focus group it allowed me to choose the font that would appeal to our target audience. 



Screenshot 2020-01-16 at 15.05.33.png
Screenshot 2019-12-07 at 18.51.10.png
Screenshot 2019-12-07 at 19.09.09.png

For HARDWARE I used my Macbook computer in order to create the digipak itself. The Macbook has all of the software on it to edit the photos, research examples online, etc. Before I started making the digipak I experimented online by looking at different album covers that share the similar genre as my artist. After looking at many album covers I found one that would link well with the artist. I then also found other photos of ideas on what to add onto the other panels. When I edited all of that together I lastly made a handmade rough sketch of how it could look like so it would be easier when creating the actual digipak.






I used a SOFTWARE called Photoshop where it allowed me to add on any elements or text that was needed on the digipak. Also when I was experimenting on how to design the digipak I used different tools like the brush tool to add on blocked colour. For example; The photo to the right was edited by adding an extra layer on photoshop and choosing a colour for the brush tool and I began adding on shapes of colour. If any mistakes were made during the process I could easily take it away by using the eraser tool. I also used Lightroom to transfer all of the photos from the Nikon D5600 to my Macbook pro. 




Photo Shoot

In the pre production I researched ONLINE to find any photos that appealed to the style of our artist. When I knew what the style would be I then planned two different outfits she would wear for the photoshoot. Lastly, I booked a time in the photography studio and messaged the artist on Whatsapp to make sure she could make it.  


In the actual production I used the HARDWARE Nikon D5600 camera to take the photos. I used two different lights, one of them was a oktobox and the other one was a barn door where at one point I added a red coloured gel to give it that edgy effect. For some of the photos I also created my own backdrop by using a pink blanket that had a texture and got Arwen to hold it behind the artist.


In the post production I used the SOFTWARE Lightroom where I uploaded all of the photos directly from my Nikon D5600 to my Macbook pro computer. On Lightroom it allowed me to retouch the artists face and make any changes to the lighting if it was too underexposed or overexposed. After finishing retouching and perfecting the photo I exported it to do further editing on Photoshop.



One moment in detail from the digipak was when I created the title on the digipak. I started off by experimenting with the fonts on Photoshop. However, I didn't find any that suited our artist. Therefore, I found an online website that has several fonts to choose from called Dafont. Once I had found some fonts I thought would suit, I placed them onto the photo by adding a text box on Photoshop. When I decided on a size and placement of the title I then moved onto experimenting with colours. The colour changed after the focus group as we also thought it should be a simpler colour to keep the viewers engaged with our artist. 

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